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Cold Weather Immunity Booster

November 3, 2024

Health & Well-Being

Cold Weather Immunity Booster

Cold Weather Immunity Booster

Keeping Sickness out of my House!


I’ve been feeling a chill in the air over the past couple of weeks. I mean, I use a blanket 365 days a year since we always have two fans on in our bedroom. Colder weather often brings sniffles, coughs, and other seasonal issues.


Nobody likes getting sick, and some people avoid social gatherings to stay well. That’s not me though! I don’t let the fear or “possibility” of getting sick keep me from connecting with family and friends.


Instead, I focus on boosting my immunity with simple, homemade remedies. We have so many things in our gardens and homes that can help us stay healthy, like dandelions. Though often seen as a weed, dandelions can be brewed as a tea to help with inflammation, cholesterol, liver health, and more. If we can grow it, we should use it!


You are the best advocate for your health. Only you know what foods trigger a headache or a rash. I believe in taking charge and researching how to stay healthy ourselves. I’m here to share a few ideas that might help.


Since October, I’ve been trying a remedy I saw on TikTok. It suggested taking it for five days, then taking two days off, for a month. I enjoy the taste, so I’ll be doing it more frequently.


I prefer to prevent sickness rather than treat it. Waiting to get sick often means dealing with doctor visits, prescriptions, or over-the-counter drugs, which I’d rather avoid.


I believe God has provided us with natural tools for health, many of which we can grow ourselves. The lemons I use are from a neighbor—pesticide-free. The organic cayenne pepper comes from Folkendt Farms, where our friend and client, Brian Folkendt, has embraced the land we helped him and his wife Yancey purchase in 2018.



I hope you find this helpful and give it a try. I’d love to hear about your experience.


Liver, Kidney, and Intestinal Cleanse


- 1 tablespoon cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil

- 1 tablespoon organic lemon juice

- 1/2 teaspoon organic cayenne pepper

- A sprinkle of Redmond’s Real Salt or Celtic salt


Mix well and take first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.


This cleanse supports the kidneys, intestines, and liver by removing toxin buildup. It can also relieve constipation and bloating. The cayenne pepper stimulates digestion, boosts metabolism, and may even reduce appetite if that’s something you’re looking for. The salt is naturally harvested without pollutants and contains essential trace minerals.


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