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A Bike Ride with Jesus

February 14, 2024


A Bike Ride with Jesus

A Bike Ride with Jesus

Learning to Just Pedal!


My son Luke called me recently to touch base and see how I was doing. Luke is really good about doing this and I admire him for this quality. I need to make a concerted effort to be better at doing this also and to touch base with people and see how they are doing for no other reason than just that. Thank you for that good example, Luke. 


Anyway, throughout our conversation, we landed on the economy we are all living in right now and the mounting struggles it is causing. With those struggles come worry, doubt, fear, and a plethora of other emotions. I like being able to have these honest and real conversations with Luke, we've been doing this for years now.


Nowadays, with most conversations, it brings me back to my faith in Jesus and how He has always shown up for Linda and me; ALWAYS. Albeit, most of the time, it's literally in the last possible second but, He always has shown up and brought us through all of the difficult times we've had and He's earned this position of Faith and Trust in my life.


This conversation with Luke quickened my mind to my favorite poem. I first heard it probably 15 years ago or more and immediately copied it to the notes on my phone and I often think of it and will open it up and read it. It always seems to have the same effect on me too! You see, it's more than just a poem to me, it's more like an anthem for my life. In the moment of this conversation and the context of it, I pulled this poem out and read it over the phone to Luke and afterward, I thought, "I'd like to share this with all of you as well." Just perhaps it will help some of you particularly when navigating the rough seasons life can throw at us and you can also save it to the notes on your phone. Here it is...

A Bike Ride with Jesus

When I first met Christ

It seemed as though life was rather like a bike ride,

But it was a tandem bike,

And I noticed that Christ

Was in the back helping me pedal.


I don't know just when it was that

He suggested we change places,

But life has not been the same since.


When I had control, I knew the way,

It was rather boring, but predictable...

It was the shortest distance between two points.


But when He took the lead,

He knew delightful long cuts,

Up mountains, and through rocky places,

At breakneck speeds,

It was all I could do to hang on!

Even though it looked like madness,

He said, "Pedal"


I worried and was anxious and asked,

"Where are you taking me?"

He laughed and didn't answer,

And I started to learn to trust.


I forgot my boring life

And entered into the adventure.

And when I'd say, "I'm scared,"

He'd lean back and touch my hand.


He took me to people with gifts that I needed.

Gifts of healing, acceptance, and joy.

He said, "Give the gifts away;

They're extra baggage, too much weight."


So I did, I gave them to the people we met,

And I found that in giving I received,

And still our burden was light.


I did not trust Him, at first, In control of my life.

I thought He'd wreck it;

But He knows bike secrets,

Knows how to make it bend to take sharp corners,

Knows how to jump to clear high rocks,

Knows how to fly to shorten scary passages.


And I am learning to shut up

and pedal in the strangest places,

And I'm beginning to enjoy the view

And the cool breeze on my face

With my delightful constant companion, Jesus Christ.


And when I'm sure I just can't do it anymore,

He just smiles and says...


Author unknown


All my best,

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